Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Boy Prince

Let me sing of magnificent sages`
Whose tales of drama have endured through the ages

Regal in robes, staves in their hands.
With Kings as their puppets they ruled many lands

 Over human and creature dominion the same
To their own will did all these great  sages tame

 It was said that their magic was ancient and lost
And how they obtained it and at what great cost

For the magic itself tainted their soul
And upon their spirit it took great a toll

For if these men were wise and kind
No longer were they the taint did so blind

Only power and glory corruption, conquest
Occupied both the day and their rest
Nightmarish visions unrelenting,  unyielding
And little in the world offered much shielding

 Their  only respite was to usher death’s hand
And bring forth that nightmare across sky, sea and land
To force all to flame, fester and blight
And bring all under this darkness, their terrible might.

But three brave warrior Kings did stand tough their ground
And a call to arms against tyranny did their trumpet sound
Though outnumbered and overpowered still bravely they fought
And despite grave odds held out “gainst” the great onslaught.

Though the mages laid siege to the great fortress walls
The warrior kings banded safely deep in their halls
The mages thought to starve them and choke winters’s supplies  
Or perhaps sneak in through subterfuge and bold lies

But the castle stood fast through the winter and spring
And food and supplies lasted though of miracles they sing.

For five years on did this fierce battle wage
Then just as quickly turned another page

Some say he was human others dragon kind.
Born  young son of a king his destiny to find

Prophesied birth under auspicious skies.
One  blue, one red were each of his eyes.

 His power, even young, by all accounts immense
Into other worlds his vision could sense.

They say he could conjure many a far away beast
Distance mattered not to him in the least

Secretly the Kings massed an army to fight
And unleashed it  to stand gainst the mage’s great might

This time when the legions once again clashed
The mages and their armies to the ground were smashed.
The boy prince had triumphed and his power did rise .1
And fulfilled destinies told under auspicious skies.
But we’ll save those songs for yet another time.
Another day’s tune another days rhyme.

(1 some versions of the story say and “grew to be wise”*





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