Thursday, January 10, 2013

Western Redoubt

This is one of two songs that The Avatar imparted into my head and told me to sing to Katrin and my companions.

You've heard the tale of Alestar Gren
So this friendly bard won't tell it again

This tale shall dwell on the stronghold and fort
and on the comportment of those in court

The stronghold was cleaved from side of a mountain
And tall in the center stood a great fountain

Grand the fort stood as a beacon of light
for world weary travelers; a rest for the night

Hospitality at Western Redoubt
reknowned all around famous about

It's staff congenial, it's guards had no fear
A place of great hope for those far and near

The fountain t'was in the heart of town square
held a magic of old; potent and rare

Those who took drink oft cured of what ailed
panacea t'was not but rare that it failed

People would come from distances vast
with hope that the fountain would cure them at last

The people inside Redoubt did flourish
As Gren their leader their hearts did nourish

Thus through skirmishes, war, brigand, wizards
the fortress held up through storm and blizzards

Yet when after Alestar Gren had died
very quickly it crumbled though they tried

It was as if this fort in the mountain
shared in Gren's heart as well as the fountain

It did not take long; with dust covered quick
Like a fort diseased; t'was if it was sick

In just a short while all windswept; entombed.
Nary a trace of the life once there bloomed.

Now Western Redoubt just a story told
of days bygone of heroes old

But ever t'is good, remember the light
Make your fort a beacon g'ainst the dark night'

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