Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Scarlet's Words with the Professor

I just sent Scarlet to the Professor's door.  She has instructions to tell him some things in Goblin. If he will let her in.    She has also been instructed to speak in Goblin. . If Professor does not seem to understand she will speak in common.
Here is what I told her to say:
"Professor and Roz Eth, - Sam and I have been wondering. Has Lucien been acting a little strange lately? Usually Lucien has been a man of few words. His golden bow does the talking for him. My read of him is that his sense of humor is wry and clever and sparse. Of late however, his behavior is a little odd. His constant goading and derisions seem slightly out of character to me. Am I crazy? Am I being an overly sensitive elven girl? I am trying to pinpont when first this started or if I am imagining things?
Much of the last few days I have spent away from the party and Lucien too parted company for a while. Is it possible that something be unduly influencing his mind and behavior? I have not spoken to anyone but you about this as I do not want to unfairly and prematurely indict my companion and friend.

Your friends and admirers in the arcane,
Sam and Scarlet

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