I've been working on this epic ballad based on a book I've been reading that I acquired while with the Gypsies. Sveta gave it to me. It is old. She is such a wonderful woman. The hardest part of leaving so surreptitiously was leaving her behind. It contains some interesting tales. I thought I would work it into a lyrical epic poem.
Alestar Gren ruled the Pine Forest court
Fir trees hewn into a strong wooden fort
Set back against cliff it offered refuge
To those fighting darknesse's dread deluge
Alestar's reign quite gentle and wise
This story will tell of Alestar's rise
From when he could grip a sword in his hand
and pull himself up from a crawl to a stand
He studied great blades, worked on his swordplay
He moved like a god most people did say
One day from afar roda in foul fell beast
gian and hungry its maw never ceased
Devouring villagers by the score
a deadlier beast never seen before
The land's bravest knights all dropped like the rain
each its own story though all of them slain
Reva the galliant led many great men
Sh was fierce and bright with the strenght of ten
They rod to the beast and faced it head on
So fearsome it was that courage was gone
Most ran and fled for fear's grip was tight
the foul beast's grave maw slew many a knight
The few and the brave took arms stood ground
but at battles end just dry bones were found
Oh nothing remained of the valiant troupe
barely a breastplate or sword in alll the group.
Reva stood fierce for all of a moment
Then like a small doll her body was bent
She screamed aloud in a cry of great pain
As it sundered her body, torn and then slain
Vextor tried next on the Griffon's strong wings
neither knew well of the slayer of kngs
Heart stopping looks made them fall from the air
twas not the fall killed but the beasts claw's tear
Prone they both went like so many before
Shattered abd broken and bloodied with gore
So many fell tha the tales all lose track
So many slaughtered by this beast's attack
Till along cam the young Alestar Gren
with his sword and shield but no other men
On the hill they fought from Dawn until night
All those who saw were transfixed by the sight
A nineteen year boy longsword in his hand
fighting this creature a spectacle grand
He parried and dodged, he cut and he thrust
And blows he did land it bled and it pussed
Yet all the whole while Gren fought there unfazed
where time wore on the creature seemed dazed
The beast's fast fierce swipes once deadly for all
coming less quick - Perhaps it would fall?
Gren fought on his endurance amazing
his fierce sword sailing striking and blazing
The creature doth bled from many and gash
Gren pressed on forward with slash after slash
Then finally on the second night's eve
Alestar's sword arm the monster did cleave
The sound so desperate a thud and a crack
beast pressing onward. Its final attack.
Though his sword arm was shattered. Cut straight through.
To the task before him Gren stayd true
He dropped an tumbled to reach for the blade
grab it he did and bold statement he made
"Yield now foul creature or meet your fate"
The creature pressed forward it did not abate.
Gren with his sword in left not his right creat
Charged ever forward determined to fight
Gren let the creature's bite just miss his head
Sideswiped the giant the stabbed the beast dead
He fell to the ground now finally spent
and to seek help those watching now went
He recovered with time, a hero true
and with this great battle his legend grew
He refused magic to heal his lost arm
Soon that just became part of his charm
"A reminder to all of courage inside"
To honor all those who fought but then died
Each of us has a brave warrior strong
whose heart steers us true and knows right from wrong
Look to it people in dire time of needs
certainly you will accomplish great deeds
They made him their king and he ruled the land
a most gentle heart and one helping hand
His fort was a beacon Wood tower of light
For those seeking strenght to continue their fight
He trained many soldiers all his long days
Precision and wisdom, swordplay and ways
His soldiers were best not solely by skill
His soldiers were best not by those they could kill
His men were the best, fought with honor and pride
His men were the best for what was inside
Here ends the legend of Alestar Gren
Come back next time I will sing it again.
Monday, December 24, 2012
New Companions
Two armed guards from the Edge came to our camp. I am glad for their arrival. The mercenaries have been troubling me of late. We are behind schedule and yet when I inquire as to our course I am stymied by generalities. This box must arrive at the Edge in a timely manner. I will NOT fail. This has been entrusted to me and it is perhaps the first importtant thing I've ever done in my short life. One newly arriving guard Kathryn is a plated soldier. She is beautiful and half elven too but tall. I managed to glimpse her red hair under her helm. She fought bravely and is a very natural leader among men. I have tremendous respect for her. I look forward to her friendship.
Lucan the second guard is also fine company to have on the journey. He too is someone I can trust. I am glad to have him on my friend. Goodness knows one does not want to be his enemy. The picos looked like porcupines when he was done with them. Somewhat quieter he is straight shooter and his candor is appreciated. Ot acted somewhat strangely today. I know how important it is to him NOT to kill. And I can certainly appreciated that. Its the reason I have been a vegetarian since Ellis left but it almost felt like in his pacifism he jeopardized the party. He is powerful I wonder if he had a bad experience with power from his past that is haunting him.
Lucan the second guard is also fine company to have on the journey. He too is someone I can trust. I am glad to have him on my friend. Goodness knows one does not want to be his enemy. The picos looked like porcupines when he was done with them. Somewhat quieter he is straight shooter and his candor is appreciated. Ot acted somewhat strangely today. I know how important it is to him NOT to kill. And I can certainly appreciated that. Its the reason I have been a vegetarian since Ellis left but it almost felt like in his pacifism he jeopardized the party. He is powerful I wonder if he had a bad experience with power from his past that is haunting him.
Friday, December 21, 2012
UnDirge of the Stirge (Sung Jauntily in Jest)
Sung Jauntily in Jest.
Never let the stirge
turn your song to a dirge
when sky turns black night
with mosquito bird's flight.
dawdling is not the best urge
As Lucan says go
camp's moving too slow
with my call we run
and Ot 's white like the sun.
And Granfather riding in tow.
Then with Kathryn's smite
and Ot's fiery cold light
in the blink of eye
Again, normal the sky
How grateful we were for the sight.
Never let the stirge
turn your song to a dirge
when sky turns black night
with mosquito bird's flight.
dawdling is not the best urge
As Lucan says go
camp's moving too slow
with my call we run
and Ot 's white like the sun.
And Granfather riding in tow.
Then with Kathryn's smite
and Ot's fiery cold light
in the blink of eye
Again, normal the sky
How grateful we were for the sight.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
The Boy Prince
Let me sing
of magnificent sages`
Whose tales
of drama have endured through the ages
Regal in
robes, staves in their hands.
With Kings
as their puppets they ruled many lands
For the
magic itself tainted their soul
And upon
their spirit it took great a toll
For if these
men were wise and kind
No longer
were they the taint did so blind
Only power
and glory corruption, conquest
both the day and their restNightmarish visions unrelenting, unyielding
And little in the world offered much shielding
To force all
to flame, fester and blight
And bring
all under this darkness, their terrible might.
But three
brave warrior Kings did stand tough their ground
And a call
to arms against tyranny did their trumpet sound
outnumbered and overpowered still bravely they fought
And despite
grave odds held out “gainst” the great onslaught.
Though the
mages laid siege to the great fortress walls
The warrior
kings banded safely deep in their halls
The mages
thought to starve them and choke winters’s supplies
Or perhaps sneak in through subterfuge and bold lies
His power,
even young, by all accounts immense
Into other
worlds his vision could sense.
Or perhaps sneak in through subterfuge and bold lies
But the
castle stood fast through the winter and spring
And food and
supplies lasted though of miracles they sing.
For five
years on did this fierce battle wage
Then just as
quickly turned another page
Some say he
was human others dragon kind.
Born young son of a king his destiny to find
birth under auspicious skies.
One blue, one red were each of his eyes.
They say he
could conjure many a far away beast
Distance mattered
not to him in the least
Secretly the
Kings massed an army to fight
unleashed it to stand gainst the mage’s
great might
This time
when the legions once again clashed
The mages
and their armies to the ground were smashed.
The boy
prince had triumphed and his power did rise .1
And fulfilled destinies told under auspicious skies.
But we’ll save those songs for yet another time.
Another day’s tune another days rhyme.
(1 some
versions of the story say and “grew to be wise”*
Monday, December 10, 2012
Scuffle in Lanceforest (A Song Tribute)
In they rode on steady steed,
to save a party t'was in dire dire need.
And in they came not a moment to spare,
for a stench of malice was in fall's crisp air.
We packed up camp and got on the road
but through thick spike topped trees our pace was most slowed.
And as the path grew more narrow and narrower still
Lucian noted good place for ambush, good place to kill
Warily we tightened the march of the group
And carefully on pressed the battle frightened group
Then a small creature I'd not see before
popped out of the trees and into the fore
Pay a toll. Pay a fee " you no go here"
Yet with four armed before it, caused creature no fear.
The sums it demanded much too great to pay
We bargained it down and it scampered away.
Lucan and Catherine set on but fell nearly into a pit.
And more little creatures hurled rocks and our group they did hit .
Lucan of quick arrows picked them off a stone's high ground
The half elves wielding blades charged fast forward bound.
Ot shifting shape to the form of their own
but despite great ruses and tricks their hostility now had grown
You fools these fellow saved me why your weapons wield
My life from dire harm did these valiant creatures shield.
The picos however called old Ot's bluff.
And for moment there things looked really quite rough.
Then with gleaming bright armor and shiny bright steel
Catherine felled enemies and made them all reel.
Lucian loosed shafts to the air they took flight.
While Ot spoke a curse and called out a smite.
The last foes were felled and briefly we rested
for the moment the enemy lay on the ground bested
We live to prevail on another fine day
Where adventures lead on no one can say.
to save a party t'was in dire dire need.
And in they came not a moment to spare,
for a stench of malice was in fall's crisp air.
We packed up camp and got on the road
but through thick spike topped trees our pace was most slowed.
And as the path grew more narrow and narrower still
Lucian noted good place for ambush, good place to kill
Warily we tightened the march of the group
And carefully on pressed the battle frightened group
Then a small creature I'd not see before
popped out of the trees and into the fore
Pay a toll. Pay a fee " you no go here"
Yet with four armed before it, caused creature no fear.
The sums it demanded much too great to pay
We bargained it down and it scampered away.
Lucan and Catherine set on but fell nearly into a pit.
And more little creatures hurled rocks and our group they did hit .
Lucan of quick arrows picked them off a stone's high ground
The half elves wielding blades charged fast forward bound.
Ot shifting shape to the form of their own
but despite great ruses and tricks their hostility now had grown
You fools these fellow saved me why your weapons wield
My life from dire harm did these valiant creatures shield.
The picos however called old Ot's bluff.
And for moment there things looked really quite rough.
Then with gleaming bright armor and shiny bright steel
Catherine felled enemies and made them all reel.
Lucian loosed shafts to the air they took flight.
While Ot spoke a curse and called out a smite.
The last foes were felled and briefly we rested
for the moment the enemy lay on the ground bested
We live to prevail on another fine day
Where adventures lead on no one can say.
Ballad of the Frontier Bound Caravan
Here is a song I've composed to honor our fallen and keep the morale of the caravan up. It has been a difficult journey. Many have died. It is my hope that this honors them at least a little.
Ballad of the Frontier Bound Caravan
If you’ll
lend me an ear I’ll sing you a tale
Sit back in
your stool and grab ye an ale.
Tis a paean
of brave deeds but a sad tale t’is too
For it
honors our friends and those that we knew.
Many strode
forth to begin lives anew
But as they
journeyed on the many became few
T’was like
the land itself had a will that they fail
Listen on
dear folk and with more I’ll regale.
Through battles and blood many were slain
For you our kinship comes this solemn refrain
In the ground upon which your body is lain
May goodness blossom and the verdant always
The caravan
traveled through many a day and an eve.
darkness an abyss to each other did we cleave.
Then late
one evening when camped in glade
A score of masked
bandits did the caravan raid
Halfir he
fought wildly, like a savage-clawed bear
Elgar loosed
arrows like rain in the air
pierced enemies from the shadowy night
But we lost
all of those dear ones in that terrible fight.
Through battles and blood many were slain
For you our kinship comes this solemn
In the ground upon which your body is lain
May goodness blossom and the verdant always
And many
more nights in the air did our fear hover
Not knowing
if the loss to come next, was our brother or lover.
In other
battles dwarven courage felled foes
But always
like ivy in grew more woes.
Forests so
thick one could scarce swing a blade
Worry so
common seemed like even toddler’s hair
times storms rode in like a dragon
And despite
our best augury we never gleaned when.
Through battles and blood many were slain
For you our kinship comes this grateful
In the ground upon which your body is lain
May goodness blossom and the verdant always reign.
And once fog
so dense one’s own hand went unseen
A curious
fog for at times it was green.
Like the fog
was some poison; some grew ill then they died
Despite our
best efforts and all that we tried.
Onwards they
traveled though at times all seemed lost
Onwards we
journeyed despite the high cost
determination and courage, strength and sheer will
And many a
member who contributed skill.
Lost were
many we honor them now
With a full
note rest, and a short head bow.
Gone were Fi
and Rad, Parna and Zep.
Radoc and
Reeger, Svark and Mylep.
Jaime and
Torg, Anarth and Vadu
Brahma and
Dunlap, Bishop and Hsu.
Trenk and
Violet , Tully and Thane
Besin and
Griosh Annaliese and Levaine
Through battles and blood many were slain
For you our kinship comes this grateful
In the ground upon which your body is lain
May goodness blossom and the verdant always
travelers survived and journey’s end comes nigh,
And those
remaining can now breath with relief and
surviving travelers none is the same
No matter
our past or from where we came
Bonds formed
in trouble, friendships in crisis
These cannot
be bought no matter the prices
“Carry on”
this do we pledge
We shall stick together till we each reach the edge.
Through battles and blood many were slain
For you our kinship comes this grateful
In the ground upon which your body is lain
May goodness blossom and the verdant always
And journey
they did for many, many miles
And this is
but a taste of their many hard trials
But drink up
friends oh so dear,
pour more
wine, pour more beer
For now this
is where, ends the song’s verse
Pay a dear
girl. Put some coins in her purse
And perhaps with
even more heartstopping detail
More of the ballads triumphs I will regale.
Chorus (repeated twice)
Through battles and blood many were slain
For you our kinship comes this grateful
In the ground upon which your body is lain
May goodness blossom and the verdant always
Callanar - New Frontiers, Next Chapters
I am several days out now from Callanar but I must recount a most curious occurence.
I had just played in an old tavern just outside Callanar. I was trying to make a little coin to pay for a room since it had been a while since I'd had good hot meal and nice bed to sleep in. I'd sung a few standards on the mandolin and got them moving on the floor with a few little lively flute tunes and was doing pretty well. None of that however was nearly the most interesting part.
As I sat down at my table after my performance was finished and before I could even order myself a drink, I was approached by an elf dressed rather unassumingly in a long cloak. He ordered me a nice glass of wine and introduced himself as Nistrama. He congratulated me on how I had handily(and non fatally) dispatched three burly men who as he relayed were interested in making my performance more "interactive". We smiled understandingly but grimly. From a leather tube he produced several documents which he unravelled.
After my jaw dropped upon seeing my name upon a warrant for arrest for the murder of Piercey he quickly assured me that he did not believe that I had committed the murder. He then also produced a second scroll which also pulled from the leather tube. This one, a slightly less official document again had my distinct picture and identified me as the stolen property of of a thieves guild member. I believe it was called the Brotherhood of Shadows." It contained a reward for 2000gp's for my "return". He said again that he did not believe me to be anyone's property either. " I could clearly handle myself but that I was also clearly having trouble with both the law and the lawless" and that perhaps he could help. He offered to get me a place with a caravan heading to the Edge a far off settlement and that he would equip me with gear. Meanwhile he would investigate the" legal and extralegal complications" as he said.
In exchange for this he asked that I deliver a package to the Holy Jerberz a priest of Corellon who maintains a small shrine at the Edge. He told me to keep my true reasons secret as no one could know and as a man's life depended upon it.
He then gave me some coins, a box which he said was heavily enchanted and must not be opened at all costs and said to make haste with the caravan for we needed to arrive before two moons passage.
I arose at dawn, donned my cloak which I pulled over my head tightly because all over the warrants for my capture had been placed. I quietly skulked to nearby a store. Convinced a young lad to purchase some items for me and made my way to the caravan.
I had just played in an old tavern just outside Callanar. I was trying to make a little coin to pay for a room since it had been a while since I'd had good hot meal and nice bed to sleep in. I'd sung a few standards on the mandolin and got them moving on the floor with a few little lively flute tunes and was doing pretty well. None of that however was nearly the most interesting part.
As I sat down at my table after my performance was finished and before I could even order myself a drink, I was approached by an elf dressed rather unassumingly in a long cloak. He ordered me a nice glass of wine and introduced himself as Nistrama. He congratulated me on how I had handily(and non fatally) dispatched three burly men who as he relayed were interested in making my performance more "interactive". We smiled understandingly but grimly. From a leather tube he produced several documents which he unravelled.
After my jaw dropped upon seeing my name upon a warrant for arrest for the murder of Piercey he quickly assured me that he did not believe that I had committed the murder. He then also produced a second scroll which also pulled from the leather tube. This one, a slightly less official document again had my distinct picture and identified me as the stolen property of of a thieves guild member. I believe it was called the Brotherhood of Shadows." It contained a reward for 2000gp's for my "return". He said again that he did not believe me to be anyone's property either. " I could clearly handle myself but that I was also clearly having trouble with both the law and the lawless" and that perhaps he could help. He offered to get me a place with a caravan heading to the Edge a far off settlement and that he would equip me with gear. Meanwhile he would investigate the" legal and extralegal complications" as he said.
In exchange for this he asked that I deliver a package to the Holy Jerberz a priest of Corellon who maintains a small shrine at the Edge. He told me to keep my true reasons secret as no one could know and as a man's life depended upon it.
He then gave me some coins, a box which he said was heavily enchanted and must not be opened at all costs and said to make haste with the caravan for we needed to arrive before two moons passage.
I arose at dawn, donned my cloak which I pulled over my head tightly because all over the warrants for my capture had been placed. I quietly skulked to nearby a store. Convinced a young lad to purchase some items for me and made my way to the caravan.
On the Run Again
Have been on the run several days now ever since I had to sneak out of camp after having kneed Braegar in the crotch. He will not be singing duclet bass tones for anytime soon. The madness. He took it too far. His audacity. There was little else that could be done. Well he got what was coming to him. It was not as if I had not told him no a hundred times. I am sorry that I did not even get to say goodbye to Sveta though. I will miss her dearly. Alas, another true friend gone like dew from leaf in hot summer.
Do Not Advance Further
Braegar's advances have been getting more and more preposterous. At first it was flattering, though I have always been clear, then it was slightly annoying, now it is becoming frustrating and if it continues I will have to put a stop to this. I have told him that I am not interested in him but he will not take the hint or even the bold, clear, statement to his face directly.
I am not sure why this memory just came to mind or perhaps I truly am. I had to play for father’s clients. I didn't mind the music, in fact I rather enjoyed having an audience .It sharpened my performance, But did they have to be so crass? There is no reason to mock me as “Red” And then half the room laughed? Oafs. They are morons. Revo probably even thought he was original with his banal idiocy. I hope he doesn’t mind the eldenberry in his ale. How I would love to see his face later when the case of runs strikes him fiercely. I suppose their is an ironic justice in both ends running with equal lack of restraint.
I am not sure why this memory just came to mind or perhaps I truly am. I had to play for father’s clients. I didn't mind the music, in fact I rather enjoyed having an audience .It sharpened my performance, But did they have to be so crass? There is no reason to mock me as “Red” And then half the room laughed? Oafs. They are morons. Revo probably even thought he was original with his banal idiocy. I hope he doesn’t mind the eldenberry in his ale. How I would love to see his face later when the case of runs strikes him fiercely. I suppose their is an ironic justice in both ends running with equal lack of restraint.
A Song's End
Piercey died today. I suspect foul play. Poison was ruled out but what could cause a healthy man to keel over and die so quickly and easily. He was a gentle soul and I shall miss him much.
Poor Piercey
I still cannot believe Piercey is dead. And why? He was a gentle soul. I cannot imagine anyone wanting to kill him. It is sad. I much preferred Piercey to Braegar who is boorish, rash and unkind. Three cities ago when a few scruffy dongs wandered into camp looking for some food, Braegar kicked a few of them telling them "to get their own food" It was unnecessary and cruel. His advances are becoming bolder and more frequent too. He even tried to prevent me from leaving my tent one night but somehow he was called away at just the right moment.
I have actually made other friends. I am truly having fun. If ever I thought I was free spirited these traveling gypsies are truly the definition of freedom. They follow their hearts. They are like the wind. I have become especially close to Sveta Katarina. She is teaching me the two bladed - "dance of the twin blades" style. I hold a scimitar in one hand and and a short sword or dagger in the other. I have come to enjoy both our talks and the training. She is also teaching me to fight with with numerous simple melee weapons .
We have also been playing practical jokes on each other. I do not believe I started these jokes. Me innocent me? (I am laughing aloud as I write this) I do remember that I tied Sveta's arm to the bedpost as a joke but I do not think that was the beginning. The next day when I was bathing in the stream Sveta hid and took my clothes. I had to skulk back to camp using tree branches to try to cover myself. We all had a good laugh. That was not nearly the end though, I then salted Sveta's mead and she retaliated by skunking my boots and on it went back and forth for nearly a month straight. By the end I believe I nearly exhausted all my good practical jokes, but in truth we did have the entire camp entertained including ourselves. We were nearly in tears with laughter.
Sveta recounted for me the tale of the Seven Sisters after she caught me whimpering in mys sleep after a nightmare and I had confessed about the recurring dreams of the seven lights. She did not laugh. She did not laugh. She did not send me away. She, like Ellis reacted to comfort. It is good to have another friend.
Here is the tale she recounted:
Many moons ago Seven Sisters were born into the wild. Legend has it they sprang forth from the earth itself. No one can recall them every having been born to a family of any sort other than the company of the land itself. Each of the sisters had the most beautiful voice and each played a different instrument with a preternatural skill. It is said that the woods themselves taught them to play. In any case, the forest was filled with beautiful, wondrous and enchanting music and the creatures lived quite literally in harmon; elves, fey, dwarves, humans, halflings, eladrin, gnomes. It was as if the creatures all communicated through music and rhythm.
But then an evil came over the land. No one knows from where and most tales say little about exactly what happened except that many died much blood was shed and much was lost. It is said that in the end the seven were instrumental (pun intended) to the defeat of the evil.
Some say that they gave up their voices to imprison the evil beneath the ground. Others say they bound themselves to certain places or things in the land and that their sacrifice power the prison. In this story, the forest contains 7 special objects that are marked that indicate gateways to some other world. Perhaps they are gateways or entry points to the prison. In any case the seven were never seen again after that point. The evil was vanquished. Several version of the poem however note that it was not permanent.
I composed short poem/song after her telling:
Poem of the Seven
Tell me the tale of the sisters of seven
whose voices were golden like light from sky’s heaven
Whose tunes and dance the forest did green
then suddenly no more were ever again seen
They say that pure evil came over the land
And the seven in battle did righteously stand
Though the land lay pocked, ashen and grey
United it stood on that last dour day
Seven voices as chains to bind such foul beast
Such that the evil dominion henceforth had ceased
But if ever their melody should come to an end
The darkness shall strike and the whole land shall it rend.
Escape with the Troupe
I've done it. I can't believe I am free. I am liberated, escaped from that prison The troupe came into town a little more than a week ago. As Ellis had taught me I had watched for when they might come. I have always looked forward to when the troupes would come to town. On the last day of their performance I snuck out of our estate trekked over to their campsite and auditioned for them. I played out my heart and soul as if everthing that had been bottled could finallyknow its expression and furthermore. knowing this was my moment of escape. Into my song I poured my loneliness, my grief at losing Ellis, my anger at my father and the longing for world in which each had a place. They hired me on the spot.
As I write this several days later I cannot believe I am unshackled and free. My destiny is my own.
As I write this several days later I cannot believe I am unshackled and free. My destiny is my own.
Dismissal of Ellis
How can he do this? He knows how much I have loved Ellis. How can he throw her out like that. She is the only one who listens. She is the only one who has nutured me. She is the only one who has been there when I have needed her. He is a monster. I did not even have a chance to say goodbye. My dear Ellis. How grateful I am that at least before she left she managed to write me this letter and tuck it into my journal which she knew no one would find.
My Dearest "little bonfire"
I laugh through the tears as I write this knowing that I ou would let few else call you by that nickname. Know that I will always love you and that you are in my heart always. As I have oft said of recent, be prepared for their will come a time when I am not around. It seems that time has finally come, though it is indeed sooner than I expected. I regret that I am not able to say this in person but I am grateful that I am able to sneak to write. this at all. Do be careful Take care of your mother as best you can and try not to be too harsh with your father. Perhaps in his own way he believes this is best for you. Remember to keep up with your practice and your composition. You are gifted but even the most gifted must always seek to expand their skill and talent. Take time to listen to to all that is around you it contains many songs within itself if you listen carefully. You are a free-spirit. Your time will come to liberate yourself and fly but remember to watch your fiery tongue; it may be your undoing someday. Again, I will always have you in my heart and these years I have spent with you have been the most enjoyable I've lived You have my love, gratitude and affection always.
Your Ellis
Father was a bit taken aback at my calm when I confronted him. I merely said "I see" but the look of red hot steel that I shot back at him when I learned that he had dismissed her because she was pregnant and unwed would have melted the blade of a short sword. I was determined not to let him see me cry. I walked out with a furious equanimity if such a thing exists and went straight to the river where Ellis and I often fished together. It was then that I wailed. My best friend, my only friend was gone.
After some time I picked myself back up and went back home. Still determined not to let him see any affect from his decision I handily picked up the chores that Ellis had once done.
As I write this now I make this pledge that as soon as I am able I will leave this festering hell hole.
My Dearest "little bonfire"
I laugh through the tears as I write this knowing that I ou would let few else call you by that nickname. Know that I will always love you and that you are in my heart always. As I have oft said of recent, be prepared for their will come a time when I am not around. It seems that time has finally come, though it is indeed sooner than I expected. I regret that I am not able to say this in person but I am grateful that I am able to sneak to write. this at all. Do be careful Take care of your mother as best you can and try not to be too harsh with your father. Perhaps in his own way he believes this is best for you. Remember to keep up with your practice and your composition. You are gifted but even the most gifted must always seek to expand their skill and talent. Take time to listen to to all that is around you it contains many songs within itself if you listen carefully. You are a free-spirit. Your time will come to liberate yourself and fly but remember to watch your fiery tongue; it may be your undoing someday. Again, I will always have you in my heart and these years I have spent with you have been the most enjoyable I've lived You have my love, gratitude and affection always.
Your Ellis
Father was a bit taken aback at my calm when I confronted him. I merely said "I see" but the look of red hot steel that I shot back at him when I learned that he had dismissed her because she was pregnant and unwed would have melted the blade of a short sword. I was determined not to let him see me cry. I walked out with a furious equanimity if such a thing exists and went straight to the river where Ellis and I often fished together. It was then that I wailed. My best friend, my only friend was gone.
After some time I picked myself back up and went back home. Still determined not to let him see any affect from his decision I handily picked up the chores that Ellis had once done.
As I write this now I make this pledge that as soon as I am able I will leave this festering hell hole.
"My little bonfire"
Diary of Sam
Age 14
Another evening entertaining father’s stupid bores of friends. I sometimes wonder if they have a brain among them. When Delam started on his rude comments. I had had enough. I stopped playing and said aloud “My dear Delam- sometimes I need what only YOU can provide -- your ABSENCE.” The room erupted into laughter (even father laughed at first) Delam did not. He scowled hotly then jumped up from his chair and said - “you little whore.” I dashed over a chair and out the room. From what I can tell he stumbled rather early on in his chase.
Later father scolded me and told me never to embarass him like that ever again. He said if I ever did that again and he even raised his fist as if to strike me, but mother came near at that moment. Instead, he turned toward her and spat on floor at her feet, and reeled off cursing. Mother looked at me with more scorn in her eyes and hobbled down the hall after him.
Ellis came by much later that evening and offered me some comfort. She said she had been listening behind the wall when it happened and had laughed her head off. Delam had deserved every blister from the tongue lashing I gave him. She said "you have a tongue on you my little bonfire, but you must be careful for it could get you in trouble. And then she added wistfully, and I may not always be nearby.
Age 14
Another evening entertaining father’s stupid bores of friends. I sometimes wonder if they have a brain among them. When Delam started on his rude comments. I had had enough. I stopped playing and said aloud “My dear Delam- sometimes I need what only YOU can provide -- your ABSENCE.” The room erupted into laughter (even father laughed at first) Delam did not. He scowled hotly then jumped up from his chair and said - “you little whore.” I dashed over a chair and out the room. From what I can tell he stumbled rather early on in his chase.
Later father scolded me and told me never to embarass him like that ever again. He said if I ever did that again and he even raised his fist as if to strike me, but mother came near at that moment. Instead, he turned toward her and spat on floor at her feet, and reeled off cursing. Mother looked at me with more scorn in her eyes and hobbled down the hall after him.
Ellis came by much later that evening and offered me some comfort. She said she had been listening behind the wall when it happened and had laughed her head off. Delam had deserved every blister from the tongue lashing I gave him. She said "you have a tongue on you my little bonfire, but you must be careful for it could get you in trouble. And then she added wistfully, and I may not always be nearby.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Prickly Parents
Diary of Sam
Age 14
Both mother and father were especially prickly today. I wanted to show her how I had mastered the fingering and breath in this particularly challenging passage I’ve been struggling with but when I went in excited and eager to share she yelled and flailed for me to get out. Father was no better. He quickly reminded me again how the gods did not bless him “with sons to carry on his seed instead I am surrounded by boobs and buffoons. In his long harangue I think he even told me not to waste my time with figures - girls can’t properly do sums” Ugghh! he makes me so mad.
Age 14
Both mother and father were especially prickly today. I wanted to show her how I had mastered the fingering and breath in this particularly challenging passage I’ve been struggling with but when I went in excited and eager to share she yelled and flailed for me to get out. Father was no better. He quickly reminded me again how the gods did not bless him “with sons to carry on his seed instead I am surrounded by boobs and buffoons. In his long harangue I think he even told me not to waste my time with figures - girls can’t properly do sums” Ugghh! he makes me so mad.
Market's Magic
Diary of Sam
Age 13
Went to the market today with Ellis. How I love the market. It is a magical place. The smells,sounds, colors, the cool crisp fall air were all so inspiring. We saw other troubadors too. ne even played the flute. We also saw jugglers, and dancers. There was even someone who made colors come forth in thin air. It was a wonderful morning. I am thankful that father is traveling for a few days. And the meal that Ellis made later for supper was terrific. She is so dear to me. We had such a lovely day together.
Age 13
Went to the market today with Ellis. How I love the market. It is a magical place. The smells,sounds, colors, the cool crisp fall air were all so inspiring. We saw other troubadors too. ne even played the flute. We also saw jugglers, and dancers. There was even someone who made colors come forth in thin air. It was a wonderful morning. I am thankful that father is traveling for a few days. And the meal that Ellis made later for supper was terrific. She is so dear to me. We had such a lovely day together.
By Stars Beautiful Light
Diary of Sam
Age 12
Snuck out onto the roof this evening and looked at the stars. Ellis caught me but she did not scold me. We sat together and looked at the beautiful night sky until it started to get a little chilly. Finally she told me I had better go back in. She gave me such a warm smile before I headed off to bed
Age 12
Snuck out onto the roof this evening and looked at the stars. Ellis caught me but she did not scold me. We sat together and looked at the beautiful night sky until it started to get a little chilly. Finally she told me I had better go back in. She gave me such a warm smile before I headed off to bed
Lessons in the Market
Diary of Sam
Age 11
Went to the market today with Ellis again. On the way in, I saw musicians together as a band. They were great. They even had someone playing flute. We stayed for a while and listened. When we got back father yelled at us for taking so long. He screamed at Ellis saying that such petty entertainment might be ok for her as a peasant and for slaves but not for someone with means. Does he realize that he has had me play for his friends, oh about 20 different times? What does that make me in his eyes? He does not need to treat people this way. He does not need to treat people I love this way. The music sure was beautiful though.
Age 11
Went to the market today with Ellis again. On the way in, I saw musicians together as a band. They were great. They even had someone playing flute. We stayed for a while and listened. When we got back father yelled at us for taking so long. He screamed at Ellis saying that such petty entertainment might be ok for her as a peasant and for slaves but not for someone with means. Does he realize that he has had me play for his friends, oh about 20 different times? What does that make me in his eyes? He does not need to treat people this way. He does not need to treat people I love this way. The music sure was beautiful though.
The Point of Fishing (part two)
Diary of Sam
Age 10
Went spear fishing with Ellis again. Caught my first fish. Even though this is only my third time out with her she said I had caught on quickly.
The Point of Fishing
Diary of Sam
Age 10
Went spear fishing with Ellis down by the river. It was hard. At first it was much harder than flute but by the end I started to get the hang of it. I did not catch anything but Ellis said my form was good She also said my reflexes were quick. Ellis caught three fish.
Age 10
Went spear fishing with Ellis down by the river. It was hard. At first it was much harder than flute but by the end I started to get the hang of it. I did not catch anything but Ellis said my form was good She also said my reflexes were quick. Ellis caught three fish.
Music Lessons
Diary of Sam
Age 9
Ellis has been very busy today preparing the house. I know daddy is going to have special guests tonight. Even though daddy will expect me to play for the company and so I feel like I need the extra practice, I almost did not get my lesson today with Ellis. She was so busy. She made time for me in the end though. She always does. She said I had nothing to worry about, that I played like an inferno in a igloo which made no sense to me except that she made it sound like it was good. Especially because right after she snuck me some honey-cakes and sent me off to play outside.
Diary of Sam
Age 8
Daddy brought home a puppy today. It was wonderful. I am going to do such a good job taking care of it. He said I could name it as long as it rhymed with “Mace” since that is what the previous owners called him and he wanted to make sure that the dog listened. I think his new name will be “Pace”, He is swift of foot.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Diary of Sam
Age 7
(About a week later -after her birthday)
The lights appeared again. I was in our house except that it was different in so many ways but somehow I knew it was still our house. I was urgently trying to find something and in the dream I knew what it was that I was trying to find but when I woke I did not remember. I could not even remember why it was important. I was exploring the house but the house had so many different and extra rooms. It was very dark and the floors creaked. I remember being frightened. I remember opening a door that I somehow knew was important . As I opened it the seven lights appeared again. This time they were not figures but somehow they seemed connected to my dream last week. I opened the door they were there and suddenly I was awake.
Age 7
(About a week later -after her birthday)
The lights appeared again. I was in our house except that it was different in so many ways but somehow I knew it was still our house. I was urgently trying to find something and in the dream I knew what it was that I was trying to find but when I woke I did not remember. I could not even remember why it was important. I was exploring the house but the house had so many different and extra rooms. It was very dark and the floors creaked. I remember being frightened. I remember opening a door that I somehow knew was important . As I opened it the seven lights appeared again. This time they were not figures but somehow they seemed connected to my dream last week. I opened the door they were there and suddenly I was awake.
Birthday Dreams
Diary of Sam
7th Birthday
I had my seventh birthday today. Mommy did not say happy birthday and neither did daddy. The only one who said anything was Ellis. Well, actually that is not totally true the nice lady in the market said happy birthday too when Ellis told her that it was my birthday. She then even gave me a little maple sugar cake that was delicious. Ellis was so sweet to me she even gave me a lucky coin. She got down on one knee, looked me directly in the eyes with such love she put it in my hand, closed my hand gently then lightly kissed my cheek and walked away. When she got to the door she looked back and said (and she might have been crying a little) “ Happy Birthday my darling sweetie. Happy seventh birthday. You will always be in my heart. I got worried that I might not see her again.
When I fell asleep that night I had strange dreams. In the dream I was running and running and something was chasing me but I was too afraid to look back. I kept getting more and more tired and whatever it was kept gaining on me. Ahead, a cliff came into view. There seemed to be no escape. I kept running. I ran over the cliff and felt like I was falling, and falling, and falling through waves of the deepest green. Finally ,when I hit the ground I actually went through the ground, anour d at that exact moment, seven figures of light emerged and floated my body into some dark cavern. I then woke up.
7th Birthday
I had my seventh birthday today. Mommy did not say happy birthday and neither did daddy. The only one who said anything was Ellis. Well, actually that is not totally true the nice lady in the market said happy birthday too when Ellis told her that it was my birthday. She then even gave me a little maple sugar cake that was delicious. Ellis was so sweet to me she even gave me a lucky coin. She got down on one knee, looked me directly in the eyes with such love she put it in my hand, closed my hand gently then lightly kissed my cheek and walked away. When she got to the door she looked back and said (and she might have been crying a little) “ Happy Birthday my darling sweetie. Happy seventh birthday. You will always be in my heart. I got worried that I might not see her again.
When I fell asleep that night I had strange dreams. In the dream I was running and running and something was chasing me but I was too afraid to look back. I kept getting more and more tired and whatever it was kept gaining on me. Ahead, a cliff came into view. There seemed to be no escape. I kept running. I ran over the cliff and felt like I was falling, and falling, and falling through waves of the deepest green. Finally ,when I hit the ground I actually went through the ground, anour d at that exact moment, seven figures of light emerged and floated my body into some dark cavern. I then woke up.
First Time At The Market
Diary of Sam
Age 6
I went to the market today with Ellis and had so much fun. I love the market. On our way in we passed people doing cool things. We even saw one man swallow a sword. It was cool.
Age 6
I went to the market today with Ellis and had so much fun. I love the market. On our way in we passed people doing cool things. We even saw one man swallow a sword. It was cool.
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